Our Chief Guests

United Kingdom

February 28, 2009

Nouzha Guessons Idrissi, Founder, Moroccan Organisation for Human Rights; Former President of the UNESCO International Bioethics Committee

April 12, 2010

Professor Josh​​ua Silver, University of Oxford

February 12, 2011

Professor​​ Richard Pring, University of Oxford. Read speech...​

December 15, 2012

Dr Mona Siddiqui​, Muslim Chair, Islamic and Inter-religious Studies, University of Edinburgh. Read speech...

December 6, 2014

Nicola Brewer, Vice-Provost (International), University College of London​​

May 22, 2021

​Melinda French Gates, Co-chair and Trustee of the Bill & Melinda Gates FoundationRead speech​...

February 26, 2022

​Dr Peter Kalmus, Climate Scientist and Author​. Read speech...

March 18, 2023

​Syed Murad Ali Shah​​​, Chief Minister, Pakistan. Read speech

​February 17, 2024​

Hon. Ezekiel Machogu, Cabinet Secretary, Ministry of Education, Kenya. Read speech