Hosted by African Population Health Research Centre (APHRC), the lead for the Health Policy and Research Organisation (HPRO), the Women RISE project, established under the Canadian International Development Research Centre (IDRC), the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) held their inception meeting in Nairobi, Kenya from the 24th to the 26th of January 2023.
Participants included 23 research teams with representation from all of the above with the overall goal of the meeting being to provide a platform for all Women RISE grantees to engage, network and learn from each other.
As part of the HPRO, Aga Khan University's Graduate School of Media and Communications (GSMC), alongside the Media Innovation Centre (MIC), participated in the conference, facilitating titular discussions around their areas of expertise.
As a key member of the HPRO, Hesbon Owilla was the lead facilitator for the second day of the conference, moderating a session with colleague Benson Githaiga, on establishing Innovation and Gender Equality in the Research Projects. A teambuilding session focusing on the importance of Policy Influence and Communication was facilitated by GSMC's Interim Dean, Prof. Nancy Booker and Training Manager, Alykhan Peermohamed, alongside APHRC staff, Lynette Kamau – HPRO Lead and Charity Waweru.
GSMC's role within the Project is to work with APHRC and other research teams to design research communication training modules and workshops. These trainings and workshops are designed to equip the research teams with the expertise and skills that will put them in strong positions to share knowledge, research findings, experiences, and evidence through various mass media platforms. The trainings and workshops will also enhance the capacity of the research teams and the HPRO to leverage on the created networks to not only frame messages for specific target audiences, but also participate in the production of content for campaigns and advocacy.
GSMC and APHCR will co-develop the training modules and workshop content which will be facilitated through both in-person and online sessions with the hope that these modules will be available on AKU's Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) for broader access.
Hosted by African Population Health Research Centre (APHRC), the lead for the Health Policy and Research Organisation (HPRO), the Women RISE project, established under the Canadian International Development Research Centre (IDRC), the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) held their inception meeting in Nairobi, Kenya from the 24th to the 26th of January 2023.
Participants included 23 research teams with representation from all of the above with the overall goal of the meeting being to provide a platform for all Women RISE grantees to engage, network and learn from each other.
As part of the HPRO, Aga Khan University's Graduate School of Media and Communications (GSMC), alongside the Media Innovation Centre (MIC), participated in the conference, facilitating titular discussions around their areas of expertise.
As a key member of the HPRO, Hesbon Owilla was the lead facilitator for the second day of the conference, moderating a session with colleague Benson Githaiga, on establishing Innovation and Gender Equality in the Research Projects. A teambuilding session focusing on the importance of Policy Influence and Communication was facilitated by GSMC's Interim Dean, Prof. Nancy Booker and Training Manager, Alykhan Peermohamed, alongside APHRC staff, Lynette Kamau – HPRO Lead and Charity Waweru.
GSMC's role within the Project is to work with APHRC and other research teams to design research communication training modules and workshops. These trainings and workshops are designed to equip the research teams with the expertise and skills that will put them in strong positions to share knowledge, research findings, experiences, and evidence through various mass media platforms. The trainings and workshops will also enhance the capacity of the research teams and the HPRO to leverage on the created networks to not only frame messages for specific target audiences, but also participate in the production of content for campaigns and advocacy.
GSMC and APHCR will co-develop the training modules and workshop content which will be facilitated through both in-person and online sessions with the hope that these modules will be available on AKU's Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) for broader access.