In a thought-provoking session at the Aga Khan University Institute for Educational Development (AKU-IED), students and guests were immersed in the world of science through a special lecture by distinguished nuclear physicist, Dr Pervez Hoodbhoy. The event, held on January 25, 2024, provided a unique opportunity to explore the essence of science and effective teaching methods.
With nearly five decades dedicated to shaping the realms of physics and education, Dr Hoodbhoy, a former professor at Quaid-e-Azam University, demonstrated his passion for both academia and societal progress. His global influence is evident through initiatives like the Eqbal Ahmad Centre for Public Education and Mashal Books. As the founder of The Black Hole, a community space in Islamabad, he bridges science, art, and culture, showcasing a commitment to modern thought and human rights.
Joined by Dr Sadia Manzoor, a Physics Professor at Comsats University, the virtual session delved into core principles of learning and teaching science. The discourse covered diverse topics, from the intrinsic nature of science and the role of educators in sparking curiosity to the impact of societal perspectives and culture on science comprehension. It also explored the evolution of social norms and the role of imagination, deductive and inductive approaches in studying science.
A highlight of the event was the live demonstrations of experiments and simulations, adding an element of wonder to the atmosphere. Dr Hoodbhoy's expertise and insights, coupled with Dr Manzoor's contributions, created a rich learning experience for all present. The session encouraged reflection on the multifaceted aspects of science education and its broader implications for society. The engagement with renowned speakers and interactive elements made this AKU-IED event a memorable and enriching experience for all participants.
In a thought-provoking session at the Aga Khan University Institute for Educational Development (AKU-IED), students and guests were immersed in the world of science through a special lecture by distinguished nuclear physicist, Dr Pervez Hoodbhoy. The event, held on January 25, 2024, provided a unique opportunity to explore the essence of science and effective teaching methods.
With nearly five decades dedicated to shaping the realms of physics and education, Dr Hoodbhoy, a former professor at Quaid-e-Azam University, demonstrated his passion for both academia and societal progress. His global influence is evident through initiatives like the Eqbal Ahmad Centre for Public Education and Mashal Books. As the founder of The Black Hole, a community space in Islamabad, he bridges science, art, and culture, showcasing a commitment to modern thought and human rights.
Joined by Dr Sadia Manzoor, a Physics Professor at Comsats University, the virtual session delved into core principles of learning and teaching science. The discourse covered diverse topics, from the intrinsic nature of science and the role of educators in sparking curiosity to the impact of societal perspectives and culture on science comprehension. It also explored the evolution of social norms and the role of imagination, deductive and inductive approaches in studying science.
A highlight of the event was the live demonstrations of experiments and simulations, adding an element of wonder to the atmosphere. Dr Hoodbhoy's expertise and insights, coupled with Dr Manzoor's contributions, created a rich learning experience for all present. The session encouraged reflection on the multifaceted aspects of science education and its broader implications for society. The engagement with renowned speakers and interactive elements made this AKU-IED event a memorable and enriching experience for all participants.