AKU is playing a crucial role in the fight against the pandemic. We are providing COVID testing and screening​ for the infected while continuing to care for non-COVID-19 patients; conducting research to better understand the virus and its spread; developing innovative devices and diagnostics; advising governments at the highest levels; educating the public; sharing our knowledge with other hospitals and health care workers; and rapidly transitioning to online instruction so our students can keep learning safely.

​​​​Registe​r for a tele-consulta​tion

ICU physicians from government-identified hospitals can call in for an educational tele-consult with ​AKU consultants.​​


Our Stories​​



COVID-19 Dialogue Series

A series by AKU's Centre of Excellence for Trauma & Emergencies in collaboration with John Hopkins Center for Global Emergency Care, aiming to bring experienced professionals together to discuss past emergencies to improve our response to COVID-19.​


Ed Tech Lounge​

An initiative by the Networks of Quality, Teaching and Learning, to develop a virtual space for university faculty to discuss strategies on how to continue teaching and learning as we transition to online education.​


Reimagining our Futu​re Talk Series​

A series of short online talks organised by the Office of Student Experience, Pakistan to invite innovators, creators and thought leaders to share their perspectives on the local and global future of work and society.​​​​​​​​