Accomplishments to date
Numerous accomplishments have been successfully attained at present. Two baseline studies have been successfully conducted on community needs and the diversity of pollinators. A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) has been executed with significant local and international universities and institutions. This MOU allows the Centre to access and utilize the laboratories of local universities, as well as collaborate with scholars to jointly develop and execute research projects. There are currently four ongoing research projects that encompass a thorough examination of pollinators in the surrounding farmland and other locations in three regions of Tanzania. Additionally, these projects involve a comprehensive evaluation of soil and land health, as well as biodiversity assessment within AKU-ACER' lands. Furthermore, research is being conducted on the concept of a Green Economy. At present, there are several large-multi-year research projects being developed in collaboration between AKU, Simon Fraser University, and other academic institutions. These projects are currently in various stages of the writing process.