The International Internship Programme provides exciting, and significant, professional experiences for international interns who are:
Passionate, committed, innovative, and creative.
Looking for a high-impact professional experience.
Eager to explore new cultural, social, and geographic environments.
Aga Khan University and other agencies of the Aga Khan Development Network accept and host interns in the area of health sciences, teacher education, architecture, disaster management, environment, engineering, finance, communications, HR, IT and administration/management to name a few.
Our Programs:
On-Site International Internship
Virtual International Internship
Our locations
Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda
Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan
Pakistan, India, and UAE
What we are known for
Unforgettable life experiences.
Flexible start dates as you as an intern determine when you want to start.
Customized opportunities as you can work with your mentor to get the best out of the opportunity and to focus on what you want to achieve.
Supportive mentors.
Opportunities for leadership, mentorship, innovation, and 'out of the box' thinking.
New friends, new cultures, new life experiences.
Exposure to new parts of the world.
What you get out of the internship
Invaluable work experience in the real world.
Opportunities to excel.
Opportunities to apply and demonstrate your skill sets.
High-quality mentorship.
Access to new environments.