It is designed specifically to support anesthesia and medical gases, with patented cardiovascular, respiratory, neurological and pharmacological modeling. It is a high fidelity patient simulator for respiratory and critical care training. The HPS interfaces with real clinical monitors and ventilators, and automatically responds to the administration of real anesthetic gases, oxygen therapy and drugs / medications.
This simulator can display neurolgical symptoms as well as physiological. It is simple to operate and features innovative technology such as automatic drug recognition. With its scenario programing feature, user can develop own scenrios, from the real situations.
It provides an opportunity to train our students without risk of patients and helps to prevent medical errors. It enables students to deliver quality patient care with integrity, consistency and confidence.
It is the most realistic maternal delivery mannequin and birthing simulator, ready for neonatal care, and childbirth obstetric patient labor and delivery training; capable of simulating ante-partum conditions, high risk deliveries, and emergency. Victoria simulates a full range of obstetrical events to facilitate teamwork and deepen critical thinking skills in learners of all levels. It supports the widest range of real patient monitoring equipment of any childbirth simulator, allowing participants to train using the tools they will use in real situations. Victoria simulates shoulder dystocia, breech, and C-section deliveries.
Victoria births a full-term baby of realistic size and weight designed to provide participants with the most realistic visual and tactile experience possible.
Victoria's newborn features measurable vitals, which allows participants to perform health assessment and determine if additional care is needed.
This is an advanced infant patient simulator ideal for training in all aspects of infant care. With realistic anatomy and clinical functionality, SimBaby is suitable for all types of training - from routine care to critical emergencies.
It provides highly realistic patient simulation for the practice of teamwork, leadership and communication skills. We prepare our students for the unusual or difficult cases they may face in real life.
Features: Personal hygiene, cleaning (removable partial prothesis)Lifting, mobilizationBandaging and wound dressing (including stump dressing)Irrigations (eye, ear, nose, stomach, intestine, bladder)Injections (intramuscular and subcutaneous)Naso-gastric lavage and gavage Oxygen treatment, artificial respirationTracheotomy care Catheterization (male and female)Ostomy care (colostomy)Enema administration
Features: Realistic airway anatomy with tongue, oropharynx, epiglottis, larynx, vocal cords and tracheaPracticing of bag-valve-mask ventilation, oral and nasal intubation and use of LMA (Laryngeal Mask Airway)CPR can be performed3-lead, 4 connectors ECG monitoringAvailable with optional HeartSim® 200 Rhythm SimulatorIntraosseous needle insertion with aspiration of bone marrowSellick Maneuver can be performed