Foundations for Learning (F4L) Conference
Empowering Educators and Leaders: Innovation and Insights
for Sustained Transformative Change
August 13 - 15, 2025
Aga Khan University, Nairobi, Kenya
To submit your abstract click here
To register for the conference click here
The 2025 Kenya Conference seeks to convene educators, policymakers, researchers and leaders to exchange evidence-based practices and critically engage with solutions to address the broader systemic challenges. This platform will enable stakeholders to share innovations and strategies as well as discuss challenges important in building and sustaining an inclusive, technology-driven, and equitable education system in Kenya and the region.
Conference Objectives:
- Share effective pedagogical appraoches for implementing the Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC) in teacher training and schools.
- Discuss practical ways to use technology in the classroom to improve learning and address the digital divide.
- Examine best practice for promoting wellness, gender equality, and including marginalized students (e.g., girls, students with special needs).
- Analyze leadership frameworks and strategies that empower school leaders to create learning-friendly environments and drive transformative school management.
- Examine teaching methods that encourage active participation, critical thinking, and innovation in schools and teacher training colleges.
- Explore how research informs educational practices by connecting academic inquiry and real-world application, supporting evidence-based decision-making in education.
Conference sub-themes
Sub-theme 1: Transforming Teacher Education through Innovation and Competence Development
- Insights and innovations in Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC) implementation
- Sustainable models and practice for re-tooling and professional development
- Bridging Policy and Practice in CBC Implementation: Aligning Assessment Frameworks with Classroom Realities
- Innovations in resource creation for teacher development
Sub-theme 2: Strengthening School Leadership for Transformative Impact
Developing Leadership Capacity in Rural and Marginalized Communities
Teacher Leadership in Action: Empowering Teachers as Agents of Change
Data-Driven Decision Making for School Improvement
- Fostering Gender-Sensitive Leadership in Schools: Best Practices and Outcomes
Sub-theme 3: Re-thinking Wellness and Well-being, Gender Equity and Inclusion in Education
The integration of mental health awareness, emotional intelligence, and resilience-building strategies in schools and colleges
Implementing Gender-Responsive Pedagogy: Practical Approaches for Classroom Success
Making Inclusive Education a Reality: Closing the Gap Between Policy and Practice for Children with Disabilities
The Boy Child Dilemma in Education: Identifying Barriers and Crafting Strategies to Promote Equitable Learning Opportunities.
Sub-theme 4: Transforming Education through Technology and Innovation
Leveraging Digital Learning in Classrooms: Exploring Opportunities and Overcoming Challenges
Enhancing Teacher Training and Professional Development through Technology
Revolutionizing STEAM Education with Emerging Technologies: Building Future-Ready Skills in the Digital Age
Navigating the AI Dilemma in Education: Balancing Innovation with Ethical Considerations
Sub-theme 5: Transforming and Sustaining Educational Practice through Research
Bridging Theory and Practice in the Implementation of Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC)
Evidence-Based Approaches to Enhancing Leadership Effectiveness and School Performance
Research-Based Practices for Promoting Equity and Inclusion
Catalyzing change through innovative research methodologies in education
Conference Presentations
The conference will accept abstracts on the presentations below:
- Academic papers - An oral presentation where research findings are shared in a structured format.
- Master class - An interactive, expert-led session designed to provide in-depth learning on a specific topic. It involves hands-on activities.
- Pecha Kucha - A fast-paced presentation told in the format of story in 20 slides, each shown for 20 seconds.
- Poster - A visual summary of research, projects, or innovations, displayed on a physical or digital poster.
- Story of Change - A narrative-driven presentation that showcases how a particular intervention, innovation, or research finding has led to meaningful transformation in a specific context.
Abstract Submission Guidelines:
- Word Limit: Submission should be between 200 - 250 words
- Sub-theme: Indicate the relevant sub-theme under which your study falls to ensure appropriate categorization and
- Title of study: Provide a clear, concise, and informative title that accurately reflects the focus of your research.
- Abstract Submission: Click here to submit your abstract.
Abstract Structure:
Introduction (Context and Background of the Problem):
- Briefly introduce the topic of your study.
- Highlight the significance and relevance of the problem being addressed.
- Provide necessary background information to set the stage for your research.
- Research Question/Hypothesis: Clearly state the main research question or hypothesis guiding your study.
- Explain the key objective(s) of your research.
- Describe the methodology used in your research, including the study design, data collection techniques, and analysis methods.
- Summarize the key findings of your study.
- Highlight significant trends, patterns, or insights obtained from the analysis.
- Discuss the implications of your findings.
- Relate the results to the broader research context and suggest possible future directions.
- Include 3 to 5 relevant keywords that best represent your study.
Author Information:
- Full Name(s) of Author(s)
- Institutional Affiliation
Ensure that your abstract is well-structured, concise, and free from grammatical or typographical errors. Submissions not adhering to the guidelines may be subject to revision or rejection.