​​AKU Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Conference

PECHA KUCHA - Let's hear some of your stories 

​​​Pecha Kucha, the Japanese term for the sound of conversation (“chit chat”) began in Tokyo, back in 2003. Pecha Kucha aims to provide opportunities for participants to share their ideas, messages, stories, and reflections in an engaging, creative, succinct way to be shared with the audience in an informal manner. Based on the desire to ‘show more and talk less, the Pecha Kucha 20x20 is a creative yet simple visual presentation format where a presenter shows 20 images, each for 20 seconds. The images advance automatically, and the presenter talks along the images. We invite faculty, students and staff to share their stories on classroom innovations, personal reflections, or anecdotal narratives related to higher education and aligned to the conference themes. 

Guidelines for​​ Submission

To be considered for the Pecha Kucha session we ask you to submit a proposal of your Pecha Kucha. Proposals can be based on personal reflections, classroom examples or narratives related to evidencing teaching practices for effective teaching and learning in higher education. Your submission include the following information:

  • Title/Topic
  • Theme of the SOTL Conference 2023 (falling under which theme)
  • Name of the author(s)
  • Proposal
    • ​​​What is the concept/objective of your Pecha Kucha? 
    • ​What are the main key ideas of your Pecha Kucha? 
    • ​​Share a few examples of how you will communicate the key ideas      
  • Word Count: Maximum 300 words
  • Multiple entries are acceptable.  
  • Guidelines for developing Pecha Kucha presentation will be shared with the participants whose reflective stories will be accepted for the conference.
  • ​Submit your proposals in the MS Word format.
  • We encourage you to view the sample of effective Pecha Kucha stories from international conferences. These will guide you on how to develop your own Pecha Kucha stories. ​​

Proposals submitted for evaluation will undergo a comprehensive assessment based on key criteria. The evaluation process considers the proposal's creativity and engagement, relevance to the conference theme, in-depth exploration and insights, organization of ideas, benefits to teaching and learning in higher education, and wider applicability.

Submit your proposals for Pecha Kucha

