
Our world is changing with remarkable speed. Technologies that once existed only in science fiction are a reality of daily life for billions. What all sides deemed impossible only yesterday is now established fact. 

As economies and societies transform before our eyes, voices contend with growing stridency for our allegiance.  ​

Such an era demands the leaders we intend to educate. It needs their imagination as much as their scrupulous critical thinking. It needs their commitment to lifting up the poor as much as their ability to compete with the best the world has to offer.

Such an era demands the Faculty of Arts and Sciences.  

The mission of FAS is to educate the youth to become future leaders. It will develop leaders through a transformative education that is endlessly challenging, stimulating and mind-opening – one that prepares graduates for innovative thought and consequential action.  

The reason is simple: leaders drive positive change. They initiate it, rally support for it and collaborate with others to orchestrate its forward march in the face of indifference and opposition. They invigorate civil society, champion good governance, promote social and economic development, foster appreciation for pluralism and encourage ethical behaviour. They empower multitudes to create a better world. 

​This transformative programme includes two mutually supportive philosophical positions. First, the ethos of service in support of improving quality of life by embedding the programme in the Aga Khan Development Network and adherence to the University’s guiding principles of impact, quality, relevance, and access (IQRA). Secondly, curricular content and processes are integrated in context and experiential in nature to enable meaningful learning.

The deeply integrated and holistic academic structure includes a broad-based Core Curriculum, deep exploration through distinctive yet interdisciplinary Majors, a Senior Thesis and connections with the University’s wider international academic community of learners, faculty, research institutes and graduate schools. Reflexive community engagement is central to maintaining relevance and impact in both teaching and research.

Core Curriculum 

Integrates a broad range of fields and approaches in the arts, humanities and the natural and social sciences.  

Four Majors 

Students will choose from one of four majors towards the end of their second year. The four majors are: 

  • Asian and Middle Eastern Studies 

  • Philosophy, Politics and Economics 

  • Social Development Studies 

  • Human and Environmental Biology   

Senior Thesis 

Allows students to research and present on a specific area related to their major and consider where more in-depth study is required.   

Experiential Learning 

Includes internships (in Pakistan and abroad), a residential retreat at least once during a student’s four-year degree and other activities.

FAS graduates can choose from multiple career pathways. They will have the tools to succeed in business, government, the non-profit world, creative fields, or enter top graduate schools in Pakistan and around the world. Graduates can be scholars, writers, judges, entrepreneurs, business leaders, scientists, tech giants, diplomats, artists, conservationists and more!

Examples of industries by major:

Asian and Middle​​ Ea​stern Studies ​​

academia, NGO and business sectors, diplomacy, journalism

Social Development Studies

social work, community organisation, education, communications, advocacy, public service, international relations

Philosophy, Politic​s and Economics

politics and government, public policy, law, economics, international re​​​lations, business and management ​

Human and Environmental Biology

researchers of human health and disease, agricultural or food scientists, biotechnologists, climate change specialists, public policy
