Special Interest Group in Mathematics and Science Education (SIGMAS) is a vibrant and dynamic group of professionals and academicians, keenly interested in improving the quality of science and mathematics education in East Africa.
Some of the activities of SIGMAS are:
Apply for research grants and to conduct collaborative research in mathematics and science education;
Discuss cutting-edge developments in mathematics and science education. This will involve, for example, identifying and discussing some ground-breaking research articles in mathematics and science education as well as those of historical significance;
Explore and investigate solutions to some of the challenges in mathematics and science education in the region;
Examine the implications of any policy actions that touch on mathematics and science education in the region;
Organize research seminars, workshops, symposia and conferences in mathematics and science education; and
Reach out to graduate students in mathematics and science education with a goal of nurturing their interests and exposing them to the mathematics and science education community in the region.