Only authorised registered users will be allowed to use the library.
Unauthorised borrowing will be treated as theft.
The library reserves the right to cancel membership on the basis of misconduct.
Use of mobile phones in the library is STRICTLY prohibited and will be punished by suspension.
Smoking, drinking and eating are not allowed in the library.
Briefcases, large bags, and parcels must be deposited at the baggage area.
Do not inconvenience other library users in any way.
All library material must be handled with care.
Loss or damage to library material will be charged at twice the market price plus 10% administrative costs.
Loss of library material should be reported immediately.
Users must declare what they are carrying when entering and leaving the library.
Silence must be maintained in the library.
Library users must show their student / staff identification badges when entering the library.
Library materials are not to be re-shelved by the user.
All users must clear all dues with the library on leaving the university / hospital.