
The library boasts a growing collection of print bo​oks and provides access to an array of literature through eBooks, e​​Journals and eDatabases. The primary objective of the collection development is to provide relevant and authentic scholarly literature. The literature covers many subjects, such as anthropology, culture, econ​omics, regional and international history, philosophy, politics, communications, and social development.  Here are the links to access library resources:

Online Library Catalogue

SAFARI is the Aga Khan University's integrated online library catalogue, which allows users to browse library collecti​​ons, locate items and check their availability.

The catalogue can be accessed by clicking the link here.

EBSCO ​Discovery

EBSCO Discovery Service gives access to all AKU libraries' subscribed resources including print books, online journals, and online databases through one window search. For more information click here.

Online Resources

ARDI (Research4life)​

ARDI offers access to scholarly literature from diverse fields of science and technology. It promotes the integration of developing and least developed countries into the global knowledge economy, reinforcing the knowledge infrastructure and supporting researchers in​ creating and developing new solutions to technical challenges on a local and global level.

For a​​ login ID and password, contact to library.


EBSCOhost Academic Collection

This gro​​wing subscription package contains a large selection of multidisciplinary eBook titles representing a broad range of academic subject matter and is a strong complement to any academic collection. ​​The breadth of information available through this package ensures that users will have access to information relevant to their research needs.


eHRAF Archaeology

It is an award-winning online database with 60,000 pages of information on the world's prehistory. It is a teaching and research tool that provide​s access to archaeological materials for comparative studies within and across regions.

For access: on-campus URL, off-campus URL 

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eHRAF World Cultures

This database provides information on specific cultures, ethnic groups, immigrant groups, and anthropological, sociological, and cultural topics. For each culture, it contains a variety of documents, such as books, articles, monographs, and dissertations. The collect​ion offers a variety of searching and browsing options, including browsing by culture, subject, or documents.

For access: on-campus URL, off-campus URL


JSTOR is one of the biggest and oldest digital libraries. Started in 1994, it provides full-text articles from over 2,800 journals spanning across human​​ties, social sciences, and natural sciences. Subjects covered include economics, history, political science, sociology, and anthropology.


OARE (Research4life)

OARE provides access to information resources in a wide range of disciplines contributing to our understanding of the natural environment, including environmental toxicology and pollution, ecology​​​y, geography, environmental economics, environmental law, conservation policy, environmental engineering, energy, and many others. 

For a login ID and password,​​ contact the library.


ScienceDirect (Economics)

The ScienceDirect’s Economics, Econometrics, and Finance database, part of Elsevier's renowned academic platform, offers access to 114​ high-quality journals. This collection features innovative research and insights covering microeconomics, macroeconomics, econometrics, development economics, and financial studies. It is a vital resource for researchers, practitioners, and students.

Scienc​​eDirect (Social Sciences)

The ScienceDirect’s Social Sciences database offers access to 269 high-quality journals in the social sciences. This database focuses on soci​​ology, psychology, education, economics, political science, and more disciplines. ScienceDirect's integration of full-text articles and citation tools makes it an essential resource for advancing knowledge and fostering academic collaboration in the social sciences.​ Click here

SocINDEX with Full Text​​​​

SocINDEX with Full Text is the world's most comprehensive sociology research database. It contains over 2.1 million records organized ​with subject headings from a sociological thesaurus. Authorized users can access over 800 journals, 800 books, and over 16,000 conference papers, with publications dating back to 1908.​​​


Taylor & Francis

Taylor & Francis is a globally renowned publisher specializing in literature, humanities, and social sciences. This extensive database provide​s us with full-text access to over 1,982 peer-reviewed journals, making it an indispensable resource for researchers, educators, and students. Taylor & Francis empowers users with a vast repository of authoritative and impactful content.​​​​​ ​​​​​​​​

To get a list of access journals click on Link

Wiley InterScience (Bla​ckwell Journals)

Wiley Online Library is a collection of online literature covering various subjects in the field of humanities and social sciences in addition to life, health, and physical sciences. It provides full-text access to ove​r 1364 journals. ​​

To get a list of access journals click onLink

Financial Times (FT)

FT is a prominent international newspaper known for its business, politics, and economics news, along with data visualizations. It offers analysis, market insights, and expert opinions, serving business professionals, investors, and policymakers globally.​​​​​​​

​For more information, visit the library guide.​

The Economist

The Economist is a weekly magazine of news and opinion and is generally regarded as one of the world's preeminent journals. It provides wide-ranging coverage of general news and particularly of international and political developments and prospects bearing on the world's economy.​

For more information, visit the library guide.

​The Diplomat

The Diplomat is the leading international current affairs magazine for the Asia-Pacific region. It offers high-quality editorial coverage and analysis of significant events and developments in the area. The magazine addresses various topics, including geopolitical trends, environmental issues, human security, development, and arts and social trends.

For more information, visit the library guide.