Educational Resources
Various learning resources are provided by the Aga Khan University Hospital, Nairobi. These include a library located at Sunny Plaza off Wangapala Road, 5th Parklands with a shuttle service running between the hospital and the library every 30 minutes. Within the hospital, there is a resource centre located in the East Tower Block, 4th floor that has a number of Radiology books and computers for educational use. Librarians are at hand in both locations to assist residents with any library-related queries.
In the Radiology department, the residents have access to various online resources at their workstations which include websites, textbooks, and journals such as Radiographics and Radiology. The list of recommended textbooks is provided in the Department’s Residency Training Manual. The Department provides residents and faculty with subscription to StatDx which is a world renown Radiology Training Resource by Elsevier.
The residents have access to a Faculty of Health Sciences online library via the hospital intranet from which they can access core books and e-journals such as clinicalkey.
For additional information and resources, please contact our library services at Library .