AKU_(3).JPGAdvanced Level Course on Curriculum Development in Health Professions Education (HPE)

This course on curriculum development (course number 7002) focuses on on the purpose and approaches used to design curricula in Health Professions Education (HPE), with emphasis on the participants’ involvement within the context of their own profession and institution.

​Course Description

The course focuses on the purpose and approaches used to design curricula in Health Professions Education (HPE), with emphasis on the participants’ involvement within the context of their own profession and institution.

Learning Objectives:

By the end of the course the students will be able to:

  • differentiate between discipline-based, organ-based, problem-based, and competency-based curricular models
  • evaluate the different trends, practices, outcomes, obstacles, and prospects of curriculum planning and development to design innovative curricula
  • analyze organizational, social and political factors that can affect curriculum planning
  • analyze a curriculum in their own setting
  • develop a curriculum plan for a programme with
    • justification of the application of the curricular model(s) and evaluation concepts used
    • identification of strategies to deal with organizational, social and political factors for effective implementation of the curriculum

Course Code:


Course Credit:



This is a sixteen week course from January to April 2020. It includes,

  • pre-reading
  • one-week full-time intensive interactive session. (January 27-31, 2020)
  • independent study and written assignment an application-oriented project completion

Pre Requisite:

Introductory Short Course in Health Professions Education (ISC-HPE)


The assessment in ALC-CD is divided into the following two components which have to be passed separately:

1. In the interactive session, assessment will be through:

  • continuous observation of participation and contributions
  • individual and group assignments/presentations
  • end of the course assessment

2. In the distance learning component, assessment will be based on completion and grading of an independent study and 2000-3000 words application-oriented project. The written assignment will be graded on the basis of application of knowledge and evidence based best solution in their own settings.

For satisfactory completion of the course requriements, student has to attain at least 55% scores in continuous assessment and the written assignments independently, with an overall aggregate of 60%.

Course Fee:

Local participants: Rs 59,000 per person

​ALC-CD is a core course for the Master of Health Professions Education MHPE programme. It is also open to all healthcare professionals in Medicine, Nursing, Dentistry and Allied Health with a proven interest/responsibility and atleast two years teaching experience in Health Professions Education (HPE). Other candidates may also apply as per the selection criteria.

See the selection criteria here

(Selection is purely merit based. Acceptance in the course will  be based on the number of seats available)

​The course is highly participatory, offered through interactive plenaries, individual and group presentations and assignemnt, workshop formats, exercise, on-line and small group activities.

Mid-course feedback is provided.

​​​Please send an online registration form click here

Dr Tabassum Zehra
Programme Director MHPE
view profile

Dr Shazia Babar
Programme Coordinator
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Dr Naveed Yousuf
Course Director
ALC-Curriculum Development
view profile

Dr Qamar Riaz
Course Co Director
ALC-Curriculum Development
view profile

​​​Mr Aslam Nathwani
Associate, HPE Programme
Department for Educational Development

​Mr Meeran Ayaz
Secretary, HPE Programme
Department for Educational Development

Contact us:

Tel: 92 21 3486 2419/2154