Frequently Asked Questions​

Who can apply for Internship?

ONLY medical graduates who have completed their MBBS are eligible to apply. Graduates of other disciplines (B.Sc.; M.Sc.; B.Pharm; D.Pharm, etc.) are not eligible to apply.

​Do you offer Internship for BDS graduates?


What is the difference between Internship and House Job?

Basically, there is no difference between Internship and House Job, as certificates of both tracks are acceptable by Pakistan Medical & Dental Council (PM&DC) for permanent license as well as College of Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan (CPSP) for appearing in FCPS Part 1 examination.

​​Candidates joining the Internship programme from the date it starts are offered Internships; candidates joining the programme from 1st February are offered House Jobs.

​​Interns after completing the programme (i.e. 365 days contract) are entitled to march in the academic procession at the PGME Graduation Ceremony and receive the completion certificate. 

Interns are also exempted from writing the admission test, should they wish to pursue their Residency training at AKU provided they have a good standing record during their Internship and fulfill the eligibility criteria for applying to the discipline of choice. House Officers are not entitled to these privileges. They are awarded a completion certificate on the University letterhead which is acceptable to both PM&DC and CPSP.

What are the requirements to apply for Internship?

Eligibility criteria to apply for Internship include:

  • MBBS or equivalent degree from an institution recognized by PM&DC

  • One-year temporary license from PM&DC

My final year professional exams will be held in the last quarter of the year? Am I eligible to apply?

All candidates who are expecting their final year results by end-November are eligible to apply. All the required documents including result of final year and PM&DC temporary license (or proof of submitting the application) must be submitted before December 15 of the year of application.

I have done six months of House Job from other institution. Can I join Internship Programme at AKU?

Yes, you can join the Internship Programme even if you have done few months of House Job from other institution provided you commit to complete the entire duration of Internship at AKU i.e. one full year. Those who leave the programme in the middle will not be issued any academic certificate. They will be given an experience letter from our Human Resource Department which will not be acceptable by PM&DC or CPSP.

​Will I get completion certificate if I join the House Job half way from the middle?

Candidates joining the House Job half way will be eligible to receive a completion certificate for the duration they have been on-board provided they complete the contract. This certificate will be acceptable by PM&DC and CPSP.

I have done my MBBS from AKU. What privileges do I have?

Candidates completing their MBBS from AKU in 2015 and onwards are exempted from writing the admission test and appearing in the interviews. They will however be required to formally apply . This opportunity can be availed once.

I have done my MBBS from other country and want to join Internship. Am I eligible?

Candidates completing their MBBS or equivalent degree from outside Pakistan are required to first approach Pakistan Medical & Dental Council (PM&DC) to obtain temporary license after getting their degrees verified and recognized. The website of PM&DC is www.​​

​How are rotations allotted? Can I get a rotation of my choice?

Rotations are allotted purely on merit. The merit list is drawn based on the performance of the candidates assessed in the AKU admission test and the interviews (MMIs). If an Intern leaves the programme, the House Officer appointed in replacement is offered rest of the rotations of that Intern. 

Exchange of rotation will only be through Interns’ mutual understanding. Once the understanding is developed, both candidates will be required to fill Exchange  of Rotation Form available in PGME Office and will be subject to approval by Internship Director.​