
Chemical Pathology​

To promote sustainability and reduce environmental impact, the chemistry department has undertaken several initiatives within its laboratory operations. By digitizing Levey Jennings graph reviews, they've eliminated paper usage, aligning with broader goals of resource conservation. Moreover, the implementation of energy-saving measures like closing fume hood sashes and switching off equipment when idle has led to significant reductions in energy consumption, thereby curbing carbon emissions. Encouraging the use of stairs over elevators not only saves energy but also fosters physical activity, promoting both individual well-being and environmental responsibility. 


Picture 1: A Hematology technologist is performing manual staining of slides which involves a washing step, requiring excessive usage of water. This excessive usage of water has reduced in our lab, by switching to automated staining.​

Picture 2: A donor attendant is giving hard copy of screening report to a Blood Donor. By giving negative screening report in soft copy format will reduce the paper usage. 



Picture 1: The current method of grossing on Dragon software with speech recognition technology.​​​


Picture 2: The previous method of grossing on recorders.



Picture 1 : Segregation of waste material in microbiology labpratory: paper waste and Laboratorey  waste.

Picture 2: Digitalization of data entry of specimens.

​Molecular Pathology

Pic #1:  shows the entire team of molecular biologists who are participants in the GreenLab laboratory.


Aga Khan University Hospital representation in 8th Annual body imaging Radiological Society of Pakistan conference, held at Allied Hospital Faisalabad, on April 20th and 21st, 2024.​