Quality Assurance​

As the facilitators​ of Quality Assurance and Improvement (QAI) at AKU, QAI’s aim is to continually improve upon and promote the highest quality academic programmes through regular periodic reviews. QAI team members provide support, guidance, training and capacity building to faculty and staff for the implementation of the University-wide Academic Quality Framework. 

QAI runs a three-tier program. The Self-Assessment Report (SAR) is the first step of a programme review. It is the critical self-analysis of a programme or entity, based on documented evidence and completed by the programme or entity itself prior to the external peer review. 

After a programme or entity has completed their self-assessment process and produced a full SAR that has been reviewed by the Quality Assurance Review Committee (QARC), they will recommend to the Provost to proceed to the next step of the Quality Assurance process: conducting an external peer review. 

Lastly, within 6 months of the Peer Assessment Report (PAR), the programme or entity​ will prepare a Revised Improvement Plan based on their initial Improvement Plan and the comments made by external peer reviewer​s. It includes best practices and recommendations mentioned by the external peer reviewers, intended outcomes, actions taken or to be taken to achieve them, target date for completion, the responsible party, the supervising party, success indicators and evaluation of impact. 

​​The strategic objectives of QAI are to:

  1. Instill a culture for quality improvement of academic programmes at AKU.

  2. Build capacity to support quality enhancement within entities.

  3. Harmonise the variety of quality assurance and improvement processes being used across AKU.

HEC QA Policies 

To view HEC QA Policies please click here​

Students as Partners (SaP) Approach:


Our Students as Partners (SaP) apparoch involves the conducting on the Student-Led Assessment Report (SAR), which is a student-driven process where students partner with faculty in identifying program standards, developing evaluation questions, and analyzing data. It is the critical self-analysis of a programme based on documented evidence and completed by students of the programme.

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Quality Stories
As an integral part of the Network of Quality, Teaching and Learning, the Quality Assurance and Improvement (QAI) Unit aim is to continually improve upon and promote the highest quality academic programmes through regular periodic reviews.