

Transforming nurses and midwives for a global future.


Developing nurses and midwives within an enabling environment, through a curriculum that embraces research, innovation and technology to promote health equity, enhance quality of life and create nurse leaders addressing global health issues.​


The SONAM embraces:

  • Integrity, fairness, and respect;

  • Equity, diversity, and inclusion;

  • Excellence in teaching, research and scholarship

  • Ethical behaviors, relationships and partnerships

  • Inclusive approaches to health, equity, global health and well-being​

Our Goals​ 

​The major goals of the School are to:​​​

  • Educate Future Nurses

Enable them to provide exemplary nursing care appropriate to the health needs of the urban and rural population in hospitals and communities.
  • Provide Leadership

Be a source of inspiration for the promotion and improvement of nursing education, practice, administration and research.
  • Produce Ambitious Graduates

Produce nurse graduates who aspire to pursue higher education at institutions of learning throughout the world and pursue professional careers in nursing.
  • Provide Continuing Education Opportunities

Arrange and administer relevant opportunities for continuing education in nursing to competently meet the changing societal healthcare needs and s​copes of practice in Pakistan and globally.
  • ​Respond to Needs

Respond to identified needs for nursing in Pakistan and other developing countries and regions which it serves.
  • Promote Partnership

Develop collaborations and networking across the Aga Khan Development Network and with other national and international institutions.​



School at a Glance

Dean's Message


Clinical Streams

Professional ​​Bodies​