Create an Endowment

Support AKU in perpetuity

Endowments play a critical role in supporting AKU’s mission by providing financial support to current and future generations of students, faculty, and researchers.​ ​They create an on-going​ stream of funding for the University to achieve its long-term goals. The principal amount of the endowment gift is invested, allowing it to generate income. A portion of the income is made available for supporting a cause that you choose and the rest is ploughed back into the principal gift amount allowing it to grow. ​

​​​Making ​an endowment donation​

​There are two ways you can support the University through endowment donations​:

  • Contribute to an existing endowment fund 
  • Create a named endowment fund​​​​​​

​Endowment donations can be restricted or unrestricted. ​Restricted donations are earmarked to support areas that you specify which may include student scholarships, patient welfare, research and teaching, etc. Unrestricted contributions allow the University leadership to decide the allocation and utilis​ation of your funds. Such gifts give AKU the liberty to use your donation to meet its ever-changing most pressing needs. 

Talk to us

​If you wish to create a named endowment, please write to

​Our team would be happy to discuss gift opportunities that match your interest and facilitate you in the giving process.

Recognising your generosity

Donors who make endowment gifts of US$ 50,000 and abo​ve are acknowledged in different ways, ranging from invitations to special e​vents, naming of funds in honour of the donor or a designated individual, to the naming of prestigious academic posts, buildings and facilities depending upon the level of giving.​