​Voices from the Roof of the World​

The Roof of the World is in meltdown. From the Pamir and Tian Shan mountains in Central Asia to the towering Himalayan range, over 250 million people are threatened directly by a rapidly changing world. Another 1.65 billion people living downstream will see their livelihoods disappear. It's the climate crisis “you haven't heard of," but which cries out to be told. 

Nature and people living in the world’s highest mountains from the Himalayas to the Tian Shan need a voice. Now thanks to a joint project by ​The Aga Khan UniversityAga Khan Agency for HabitatAga Khan Foundation and University of Central Asia, a select group of young Asian filmmakers will be trained, mentored and supported to produce ground breaking environmental films. The upcoming series of half hour shows will be produced to the highest international standards and will be screened on national prime time television in​ Pakistan. By tackling both the problems of climate change and highlighting local solutions, the documentaries will goad and inspire government, business and civil society leaders to reverse the region’s ecological destruction and conserve its water and wildlife. ​

Season 3: Episode 10


Episode 10: Frontline Healers

Dive into the stories of Pakistan’s Lady Health Workers during the 2022 floods in the latest #VRW episode. These women are indispensable healers, providing critical medical care on the frontlines of climate change while enduring its consequences themselves.

Watch in English​ 




The roof of the world, a great arc of glaciated mountains from the Pamirs to the Karakorum and Himalayan mountains, the planet’s largest repository of ice outside the polar regions melting quickly and in trouble. Narrated by Christiane Amanpou​r.​​

SEASON 1 ​  SEASON 2 ​​ ​  SEASON 3 ​​

Seeing Red: Saving Red Pandas
Director: Munmun Dhalaria​​
When the Floods Come
Director: Nyal Mueenuddin ​
When the Floods Come
Director: Nyal Mueenuddin ​
No Water No Village
Director: Munmun Dhalaria
Voices from the
Roof of the World
In a Hotter World
Director: Abdullah Khan​​
Shepherds of Naar
Director: Asmita Shrish
The Valleys Our Ancestors Chose
Director: Tazeen Bari

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Get to know the Executive Producer
Andrew Tkach produced documentaries and TV magazine reports for 30 years, focusing on human rights and environmental issues. He was the principal long-form produce​r of Christiane Amanpour for CNN and CBS 60 Minutes, winning multiple Emmys.
