We provide our students with an opportunity to move ahead in their careers, no matter where they begin. Almost 30 per cent of our worldwide student body is enrolled in programmes in East Africa, and the number is growing.

With over years of experience providing international quality education, we offer students a practical, intimate learning experience. We inspire our students to become resilient leaders and forces for positive change in their communities. 

​Over the next 15 years, the Aga Khan University will be investing US$ 1,157 million in the region. This includes USD$ 46 million Heart and Cancer Centre at the Aga Khan University Hospital in Nairobi​​ and US$ 250 million Faculty of Health Sciences.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​


Graduate School of Media and Communications

Courses for media executives and entrepreneurs at our Graduate School 
of Media & Communications​.

School of Nursing and Midwifery

Advanced practice nursing
and midwifery programmes 
for nurses and midwives​​​.

Medical College

Offering Postgraduate Medical Education programmes and
opportunities in internships
and fellowships.​​​


Institute for
Educational Development

Providing diverse programmes​ designed
for the professional development of educators and educational researchers.

School of Nursing and Midwifery​ 

Improving nursing education and policy, 
practice to impr​ove patient care
through our nursing programme.

Medical College

Offering Postgraduate Medical Education programmes and
opportunities in internships
and fellowships.


School of Nursing and Midwifery​ 

Improving nursing education and policy practice to impr​ove patient care through our nursing and midwifery programmes.




Introducing the  University Centre in Kenya

Our new University Centre in Nairobi houses our wide range of health education and graduate professional programmes. 

TAKE A TOUR​​​​​​​​​