Our Future: Environment and Sustainability at AKU
AKU is committed to building a healthier and more sustainable future.
Our vision involves every area of university life, as we aim to mobilise the internal community and engage external stakeholders as change agents, and contribute to a culture of sustainability and innovation at AKU. A key goal is to reduce our operational greenhouse gas emissions to become net zero by 2030.
The growing climate crisis and continuous degradation to the environment are producing particularly destructive impacts to the communities AKU serves, demanding ever greater and more urgent responses. AKU is guided by the
AKDN Environment and Climate commitment statement which outlines four principles: responsible stewardship, a focus on quality of life for the most vulnerable, socially responsible leadership and leading by example, complementing the
Aga Khan Development Network's values and ethics.
Our strategy will directly and indirectly support the following UN Sustainable Development Goals: