Levi Muyela
Research Assistant

Levi Muyela is a budding researcher holding a bachelor's degree in medical psychology from Moi University, College of Health Sciences and is currently pursuing a master's degree in clinical psychology from the University of Nairobi. His primary interests lie in improving mental health in Kenya, focusing on intervention development and the cultural adaptation of diagnostic tools for dementia.

He has experience as a research assistant on the Strengthening Responses to Dementia in Developing Countries (STRiDE) project in Kenya. This role involved gathering and disseminating information on dementia and developing an anti-stigma intervention tested for feasibility in Makueni County. His contributions to STRiDE led to his involvement in drafting the national dementia plan for Kenya. Levi has also participated in a study on the early detection of dementia using a community screening instrument administered by lay providers (community health promoters) in Makueni County. Additionally, he contributed to a study on the early detection of psychosis risk among Kenyan youths by collecting biomarkers, including conducting electroencephalogram (EEG) procedures and assisting in saliva sample collection.

He served as a project officer for a study funded by the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR), aiming to improve the lives of homeless people with severe mental illness. Currently, Levi works as a research assistant on the project focused on Cultural Adaptation and Validation of Cognitive Tests, Functional Assessments, and Biomarkers in People with Dementia at BMI.​