Raechel Kamau
Research Assistant

Raechel Kamau is a passionate psychologist and mental health advocate with over six years of experience in project-related research, as well as individual and group therapy. She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree (Honors) in Psychology from Kenyatta University. Raechel is a certified leader under the Kenyatta University Growing Leaders Programme and is registered with the Kenya Counselling and Psychological Association. 

Before joining the Brain and Mind Institute, Raechel served as a Neuro-developmental Assessor with the University of Washington’s Linda Kizazi Project. This study involved administering cognitive assessments, such as the Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children and Executive Functions Touch, to children aged four to examine the impact of HIV exposure and climate pollution on cognitive growth. This role enhanced her skills in report writing, monitoring and evaluation, people management, and data collection using Tangerine and REDCap.

Additionally, Raechel has worked with the Africa Mental Health Research and Training Foundation as a clinical supervisor, where she was involved in personnel training and recruitment, community engagement, and stakeholder management with school heads and project managers to promote adolescent mental health. Previously, Raechel worked with the Kenyatta University Family Welfare and Counselling Project, assisting student mothers, which inspired her to create the ISHI Psychology and Counselling Centre.

Raechel joins the BMI as a Research Assistant for the Brain Resilience Kenya Project. In this role, she will support participant consenting and recruitment, conduct cognitive assessments, and assist with data management.​​