​​Section III: The High Fidelity Simulation Centre 

This high fidelity simulation center has a mock operating room, a phantom-head dental lab, a paediatric resuscitation room and a high risk obstetrics room, dry lab, multi-disciplinary simulation lab w​ith en​doscopy, bronchoscopy, angiography, laparoscopic and other surgical and radiological  simulators and  debriefing rooms.​

​Mock Operating Room (OR) Unit​

​​​​It has a Human Patient Simulator with OR equipment, its ow​n control room, a preparation room,​ scrubbing area and changing rooms.  

​Paediatrics Resuscitation Room

This has a SimBaby and  an adolescent mannequin.

Obstetrics and Gynaecology (Ob/Gyn) Room

​This provides a platform for learning high risk obstetric management skills and team training fo​r Ob/Gyn residents, midwifery bachelor and masters students. 

Dental Phantom Head Lab 

​The phantom head has seventeen​ stations, with drop down screens and tele- and video-conferencing facilities.​

High Fidelity Simulation Unit​

1. Minimally Invasive Multipurpose Skills Acquistion Lab 

The large multi-purpose area, divisible by sound-proof flexible dividers ​into two-to-four distinct spaces, caters to general surgery, urology, neurosurgery, ophthalmology, otolaryngology, sonography, gasteroenterology, pulmonary medicine, interventional cardiology and vascular surgery postgraduate and continuing medical education.​

2. ​​Debriefing Room​​​

The Debriefing Room accommodates twenty people and has flexible seating arrangements and videoconferencing facilities. 
