Section III: The High Fidelity Simulation Centre
This high fidelity simulation center has a mock operating room, a phantom-head dental lab, a paediatric resuscitation room and a high risk obstetrics room, dry lab, multi-disciplinary simulation lab with endoscopy, bronchoscopy, angiography, laparoscopic and other surgical and radiological simulators and debriefing rooms.
Mock Operating Room (OR) Unit
It has a Human Patient Simulator with OR equipment, its own control room, a preparation room, scrubbing area and changing rooms.
Paediatrics Resuscitation Room
This has a SimBaby and an adolescent mannequin.
Obstetrics and Gynaecology (Ob/Gyn) Room
This provides a platform for learning high risk obstetric management skills and team training for Ob/Gyn residents, midwifery bachelor and masters students.
Dental Phantom Head Lab
The phantom head has seventeen stations, with drop down screens and tele- and video-conferencing facilities.
High Fidelity Simulation Unit
1. Minimally Invasive Multipurpose Skills Acquistion Lab
The large multi-purpose area, divisible by sound-proof flexible dividers into two-to-four distinct spaces, caters to general surgery, urology, neurosurgery, ophthalmology, otolaryngology, sonography, gasteroenterology, pulmonary medicine, interventional cardiology and vascular surgery postgraduate and continuing medical education.
2. Debriefing Room
The Debriefing Room accommodates twenty people and has flexible seating arrangements and videoconferencing facilities.