Current Projects

AQCESS - Access to Quality Care through Extending and Strengthening Health Systems
This project focuses on improving maternal, newborn and child health in Kenya, Mali, Mozambique and Pakistan. The four-year project is funded by the Global Alliance Canada and the Aga Khan Foundation Canada. In Kenya, AQCESS focuses on the hard-to-reach and marginalised populations living within Kaloleni and Bomachoge Borabu sub-counties, in Kilifi and Kisii counties respectively. The project empowers communities to demand and use quality reproductive, maternal, new-born, and child services and, simultaneously, enhances the capacity of the health systems by investing in infrastructure and capacity building of human resources to attend to the needs of the communities.
Safe Mothers and New-borns Accelerating the Reduction of Maternal and Neonatal Mortality: A Leadership Workshop.
This one-year project entails the planning and implementation of a workshop that will provide participants from high-burden countries with the technical knowledge and leadership skills they need to reduce maternal and neonatal mortality. It is a collaboration between the CoE WCH in East Africa, Barcelona Institute of Global Health and Harvard University School of Public Health (The Maternal Health Task Force) and is supported by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
The Kenya 6 counties Initiative
In Kenya, the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the H6 partnership and other development partners are working in collaboration with national and county governments to improve reproductive, maternal, new born, child and adolescent health in six priority counties. AKU has partnered with these organisations and will contribute towards training local health care providers, ensuring effective outcome monitoring and impact evaluation, providing evidence and translating knowledge through implementation research.
The Kaloleni Community Surveillance Platform
AKU in East Africa together with the Department of Health in Kaloleni Sub county are working together in a strategy that enables accurate capture of registry and household level health information at community level. This twice-yearly survey supports and strengthens the local department of health at the primary level and provides a platform to nest, monitor and evaluate initiatives aimed at improving health outcomes for the population.