AKU Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Conference
Pre-Conference Workshops

​​The Pre-Conference workshops are designed for faculty members and staff supporting teaching and learning in their respective higher education institutions committed to transforming their teaching methodologies to provide a meaningful learning experience for their students. These workshops aim to equip them with innovative strategies and pedagogical approaches to enhance student engagement. Attendees will have an opportunity for networking and collaboration through engaging in meaningful dialogue, exchanging ideas and learning from best practices with colleagues from diverse backgrounds and interdisciplinary teams of facilitators. 

Guidelines for Submission of Workshop Proposal  

We invite proposals for engaging and interactive pre-conference workshops at the SoTLC2023. The proposal (600-800 words) must contain the following:

1. Title aims and expected outcomes of the workshop.
2. Rationale and relevance to theme/sub-themes of the conference.
3. Mode of the workshop (online/F2F/blended) including the duration (number of hours; 2-3 hrs.) 
4. Intended audience (including the maximum number of participants)
5. Briefly indicate teaching methodologies and resources required to facilitate the workshop. 
6. Name of the facilitators, entities and contact details.

We encourage submissions from faculty members and staff supporting teaching and learning in their respective institutions (AKU and elsewhere). Proposals from interdisciplinary teams of facilitators (including students as co-facilitators) are encouraged. 

A panel of reviewers will be assigned to review each submission. We aim to ensure a fair and rigorous selection process that aligns with the overall goal and themes of the SoTL conference. The reviewers will make the final selection based on the overall quality of the proposal, relevance of the topic and learning outcomes to the conference themes, use of innovative teaching methodologies and resources to deliver the content and efforts to collaborate with other departments to plan the workshop (such as interdisciplinary teams, students’ involvement, etc.)

Upon the acceptance of proposals, workshop facilitators will submit a detailed session plan (learning outcome, teaching methodologies, etc.), including their requirements (e.g., resources, admin support) and preferred time slot.

Submit your proposals for Pre-Conference Worshops​
