Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) Conference
The Network of Quality, Teaching and Learning hosts a biennial conference on Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL). This provides a platform for conversations and collaborations on SoTL across AKU, raising the profile of teaching and learning at AKU by bringing together AKU faculty, faculty developers, and those interested in SoTL within AKDN and AKU partners.
2023 Conference
The 5th Biennial Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Conference, 2023 (SoTLC2023) aims to bring together educators, students, academic staff, researchers, and other stakeholders to share innovative ideas, trials and triumphs, and best practices in transformative teaching for engaged learning.
You can register as a particpant to attend in person or vitually - Visit Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Conference (SoTL) 2023

2021 UnConference
The fourth biennial Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Conference on November 29-30, 2021 but with a difference – This year it will be an UnConference.
The ‘Un’Conference will allow us to be faculty and student-led, through a Global Solutions Café and Co-creation Learning Labs; engage in fun reflective activities, through a Quarantine Teaching Bloopers, provide faculty development opportunities through Flipped Learning Master Classes and Peer-Reflective Studios, and allow for asynchronous engagement such as through Pecha Kucha stories, at an attempt to minimize the zoom and virtual learning fatigue.
Click the link below to visit SoTL UnConference 2021 homepage.
Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Conference (SOTL) 2021
Watch the SoTL UnConference 2021 Highlights