Core Curriculum
Core Curriculum encourages breadth, providing students an invaluable opportunity to appreciate and integrate knowledge and thinking from across a broad range of fields and approaches in the arts, humanities, and the natural and social sciences. All students will take the
Core in their first and second years. The Core nurtures ethical orientation to personal and public action; ability to integrate reflective and practical knowledge; engagement and lifelong curiosity; and connection with all of life and the environment that sustains it. The Core encourages orientation to multiple ways of seeing, understanding, and representing phenomena by posing integrative questions explored through interlinked discipline-specific lenses.
In Year One, four
Questions in Context guide the exploration of topics and themes across courses:
In Year Two's core courses, Approaches to Knowledge and Action will consist of guiding questions such as:
The Core's pedagogy provides space for observation, interpretation, experimentation, discovery, representation, production, performance, and problem solving. At the end of each course, students from diverse disciplinary areas will collaborate in short projects aimed at consolidating knowledge. In Year Two, students will complete the foundation courses of specific degree majors, but the Core Curriculum will continue in thinner, resonant strands throughout the programme.
In the final two years of the undergraduate programme, students engaged in intensive, concentrated, and specialised learning, although taking some elective courses for variety will be possible. Students will choose their major, or field of specialization, towards the end of their second year. Through these academic ‘concentrations’, both disciplinary and interdisciplinary specialisations will be available. Four contextually relevant majors are on offer as part of the launch of FAS.