Translation of Research-based Breastfeeding Knowledge
One of the most consistent findings from clinical and health service research is the lack of translating findings into policy and practice. Equal and free access to research-based knowledge and knowledge sharing on mutually agreed terms are fundamental to implementing the Sustainable Development Goals.
This is a project of Institute for Global Health and Development (IGHD), Aga Khan University in collaboration with the Family Larsson-Rosenquist Foundation (FLRF).
Dr Zulfiqar A Bhutta, Distinguished University Professor and Founding Director, IGHD and Dr Jai K Das, Assistant Professor, Department of Paediatrics and Child Health and Assistant Director, IGHD are the lead investigators.
Project Objectives
The objective of this project is to develop an approach and a roadmap to translate breastfeeding research available in various reputable journals and improve its accessibility for a wider audience. The translation will include three levels to reach all relevant stakeholders:
- Level 1: Scientific Literature Summaries
- Level 2: Lay-Science Summaries
- Level 3: Fact Sheets & Info Graphics
Project Activities
The project will be structured into six distinct steps.
Framework development and topic identification:
This step focuses on the development of knowledge translation framework. The framework would identify key stakeholders, their activities and information needs.
Transparency and gap analysis:
This step is split into two key activities:
- Consultation of stakeholders about information needs and topics
- Transparency about available scientific reviews and gap analysis
Steps 1 and 2 need to be validated through a consensus process at a symposium.
Organizing a symposium for consensus:
Hosting interdisciplinary symposia at regular intervals for a guided consensus process and finalising the first two steps.
Development of roadmap for implementation of findings:
Based on the recommendations from the symposia, a roadmap and budget will be developed for implementation in Phase II. Phase II is not part of this project. However, we expect AKU to also play a key role in Phase II.
Joint Method Publication:
The developed approach and framework for breastfeeding knowledge translation and related findings will be published in high-impact journals.
Additional Considerations
Formation of Technical Advisory Group (TAG)
FLRF in consultation with AKU would identify leading experts in the field of breastfeeding and form a TAG for the project. Over the course of the project, three TAG meetings would be convened. Topics to be covered will include:
- Breastfeeding determinants (Development of a Breastfeeding Barriers & Drivers Tool and operational approach, currently in testing with the government in Ghana)
- Breastfeeding interventions (Development of a database and best practice framework, School of Public Health, Ghana)
- Breastfeeding policies (Development of a database and analysis framework, currently in discussions)
- Ethical considerations in breastfeeding (multi-phase project done by University of Zurich)