In the increasingly technological and post-pandemic world, with rapid expansion in the digital infrastructure, changing composition of the work-force and evidence of skill-gaps has resulted in a great demand for lifelong learning opportunities and flexible pathways to continuing education. Compelling reasons for offering multiple learning pathways, especially in virtual mode include the needs of the marginalised communities where the Aga Khan Development Network operates. 

AKU LEADS is an innovative programme leading to multiple and flexible learning pathways for Lifelong Learning, Education And Development of Skills (LEADS). Flexible learning pathways offer choice, eliminate barriers to access and progression and address students’ needs. It aims to lead the evolution of new directions, programmes and networks at AKU.

The courses offered by AKU LEADS would be largely virtual and asynchronous (e.g., self-paced) and suitable for contexts with low-bandwidth internet. However, given the digital divide, provision could be made for participants to access broadband internet.

Beyond the initial pilot offering in 2024-25, a robust micro-credentialling system would be in place for courses offered under LEADS.

Explore the LEADS Course Design Guide



Youth Development

English for the Workplace

By the end of this course, learners will have gained the language skills and proficiency needed to communicate more effectively in English within a professional setting.

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Early Childhood Development

Introduction to Nurturing Care in Early Childhood Development

This course focuses on enhancing participants' understanding of the nurturing care framework and its significance in the first two years of a child's life.

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Health Sciences

FamMed Essentials

This unique course offers busy physicians an opportunity to update their knowledge and skills in a flexible manner.

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Women’s Leadership Academy

Women’s Leadership

This course aims to enhance women’s leadership and decision-making capacity within civil society. It targets mid-level female professionals working in Civil Society Organisations.

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Upcoming Courses ​

Teacher Training​

Diagnostic teaching in mathematics

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Teacher Training

Problem solving skills in primary mathematics classrooms

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Health Sciences

Allied Health

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