Inter-Library Loan
The library is a member of consortium of local universities libraries in Tanzania. Through collaboration the library has interlibrary arrangements with several libraries.
The library also coordinates its services with the sister institutions in Kenya, Uganda and Pakistan.
Books Loan Policy
Books are lent out for seven days and only two books can be checked out at a time.
All loans are renewable once, subject to demand.
Books on reserve/short loan may be lent out for overnight or for a few hours subject to demand.
Books for overnight loans will be lent out one hour before closing of the library and must be returned by 8:00 am the following morning.
Books designated reference and study collections are for use in the library only.
Journals and other non-book material will not be lent out.
Overdue charges will be levied on books not returned on time.
Members may reserve information resources that are already in circulation. Material so reserved will be lent out on first come first serve basis.
Members will be informed when reserved material become available and must collect them within 48 hours of the notice.
Laptops Loan Policy
services are complemented by trainings, workshops, and information literacy programmes, which provide orientation tours, regularly scheduled workshops on specific tools and topics, and course-related sessions. For additional information please enquire by email: or by phone: +255 22 2122740.