
Grant Fundamentals Workshop 2024: A Beginner's Guide to Research Funding Management​

Venue: Indu​​s Hotel, Hyderabad

Date​​: 12​th July 2024

Trainers: D​​r. Najee​ha Talat Iqbal, Mr. Adnan Altaf, Mr. Haseeb, Mr. Zafar Ali and Mr. ​Aftab ​Hasnani​

​The Grant Fundamentals Workshop 2024 was held at the Indus Hotel in Hyderabad on July 12, 2024, and provided a comprehensive guide to research funding management for beginners. Faculty members from various institutions, including LUMHS, SSMC, University of Sindh, and grant management staff from LUMHS and AKU, participated.

The workshop began with Dr. Fayaz Ahmed​ welcoming participants and highlighting the importance of understanding grant​ fundamentals. Dr. Najeeha Iqbal​​ then gave an introduction to grant writing, covering the basics of writing proposals, identifying funding sources, and tips for clear and persuasive narratives. She also provided examples of successful grant applications.

Mr. Adnan Altaf led the next session on the grant management system, divided into four parts: pre-award, award, post-award, and closeout. He discussed identifying funding opportunities, proposal development, submission processes, financial management, project implementation, and reporting requirements.

​In the afternoon, Mr. Zafar Ali and Mr. Aftab Hasnani discussed the role of compliance in grant management, reviewing typical compliance requirements and strategies for monitoring grant-funded projects. A Q&A session allowed participants to clarify compliance issues and share experiences. The closeout process, including final reporting and audit preparation, was explained by Mr. Haseeb Khan. The workshop concluded with a certificate distribution ceremony led by Prof. Ilyas Siddique, recognizing participants' commitment to enhancing their grant management skills. The Grant Fundamentals Workshop 2024 was a valuable educational experience, equipping attendees with essential knowledge and tools for research funding. 

This workshop was funded by the NIH Fogarty D43 training grant​.