Make a Planned G​ift

Create a lasting legacy

Gift planning is the making of “a gift that costs you nothing now” — a gift that helps Aga Khan University in the future and may reduce the taxes on your estate. Gift planning helps you achieve your philanthropic, tax and financial goals all at once — and may enable you to make a larger gift than you thought possible.

Legacy gifts have a profound and lasting impact on scholarship, teaching and research at AKU and are a continuing source of strength and support for the University. By including AKU in your estate plans, you will make a lasting contribution that will touch countless lives.

AKU will do with your legacy gift as you ask. Your gift can be “unrestricted” — that is, can support the University’s greatest needs — or applied to the purpose, school, department or initiative about which you care most.

If you are considering a legacy gift to AKU, the University recommends that you consult your family as well as your legal or financial advisor. You should take the necessary steps to ensure that you have made sufficient provision for your family and other heirs after you pass away. Your gift will then reflect responsible stewardship of family resources as well as charitable service to society.

All of these legacy gifts are perfectly alterable. You can change them if you need to, if your circumstances and needs change. None of these gifts is carved in stone. ​​

Which country are you donating from?​

United Kingdom

USA and Canada​

​​Making a legacy gift from other countries?

​Complete ​the confidential gift intention form​ and send​ it to ua@aku​.edu​

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