Gloria Chemutai
Manager, Communications and Stakeholder Engagement

Gloria Chem​utai is a communications professional who has worked with various organizations creating and promoting partnerships, implementing communication strategies as well as and maintaining brand identity and integrity. As the Brain and Mind Institute’s Manager of Communications and Stakeholder Engagement, Gloria keeps all our colleagues and partners associated with the BMI’s “Big Tent” well informed and connected.

She holds a Master’s Degree in Communication Studies from the University of Nairobi and a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Communication from Maseno University. Gloria most recently worked at the African Population and Health Research Center, where she implemented the communications strategy for the Consortium for Advanced Research Training in Africa (CARTA) program and the Emerging Voices for Global Health(EV4GH), helping communicate its achievements in fostering doctoral training and growing research in Africa. Previously, as the Assistant Public Relations and Communications Officer at St. Paul’s University, she was instrumental in crafting and implementing the university’s first communications strategy. She also worked as a Global Marketing & Communications Officer for Change the Game Academy at the Kenya Community Development Foundation where she liaised with partners in 12 countries in Africa, Asia, and South America, guiding conversations and communicating achievements of projects that encouraged civil society organizations to lobby and advocate for change and mobilize resources local.

As a communicator, Gloria is passionate about telling stories of homegrown innovative solutions especially for the developing world’s problems.​