Address by Princess Zahra Aga Khan
Chancellor, Chair, and members of the AKU Board of Trustees,
President and Vice Chancellor,
Leaders, faculty, staff, students, alumni, and friends of the University,
Family members of the graduates,
Members of the Class of 2024:
For more than thirty years, AKU convocations brought my father, our Founding Chancellor, immense joy and pride.
Despite the deep sorrow that we all feel at this time, today’s convocation remains an inspiring ceremony, and it is especially meaningful as we honour his legacy of visionary leadership, unwavering support, and great love for this University and its people.
My father was immensely proud of each and every individual who graduated from AKU and this convocation is unique as those of you graduating today are the last class to have studied under his wise and meticulous attention. I feel his sense of pride in you.
It brings me much happiness that my brother, His Highness Prince Rahim Aga Khan, in accordance with our father’s wishes and the founding charter of AKU, has become the Chancellor.
Therefore, on behalf of our new Chancellor and the Board of Trustees, I extend our heartfelt congratulations to the members of the Class of 2024. This is your day, and we celebrate all that you have worked so arduously to achieve. No-one can reach their full potential alone, so we would also like to recognise the support of your families, friends, and classmates throughout your years of study.
For many years, I had the privilege of accompanying my father on his ambitious journey to create AKU. I first attended an AKU Convocation in 1994, soon after I graduated. That was the beginning of my understanding of this institution, and its potential. Today is also special because my children, Sara and Iliyan, have a wonderful opportunity to see first-hand the impact of their grandfather’s commitment to education and his wider mission to improve quality of life and build a more prosperous, peaceful and pluralist world.
Joining my father on the AKU Board of Trustees, a very long time ago, was an extraordinary opportunity to learn from him and his inspiring leadership. I would like to acknowledge and thank all those colleagues, past and present, who were also part of that journey, and worked so committedly – at times, astonishingly quickly - to realise my father’s vision.
The vision that my father laid out for this University, and indeed he insisted upon, was for an “international institution of distinction— serving the developing world and Muslim societies in innovative and enduring ways”, one that would meet or surpass global standards of excellence in all its dimensions. In the design of its facilities and campuses, in its faculty, staff, and students; in its academic offerings and research programmes; and in the quality of its services.
Our Founding Chancellor emphasised that “a distinguished university is not built in a decade, nor indeed in a generation.” That long-term approach and commitment to excellence are qualities shared by all the agencies of the wider Aga Khan Development Network. And throughout the AKDN, my father created and nurtured an astounding number of institutions and programmes focused on strengthening human capabilities, well-being, building resilient communities, generating inclusive economic growth, honouring cultural heritage and protecting the natural environment.
Education is the cornerstone of everything that the AKDN does, and it is the key to improving quality of life. My father invested in quality education at all levels, from early childhood development through to Postgraduate level studies. He founded not one, but two universities, AKU and the University of Central Asia, to provide the capstones of our educational system.
As my father would be the first to say, bringing this vision of AKU and the AKDN to life required the dedication, encouragement and support of so many who I would like to thank today: To The
Government of Tanzania, for your longstanding confidence in our institution and its mission—and in our ongoing efforts to expand educational opportunities and improve health outcomes in this country and in the region.
To AKU’s Trustees who provide wise counsel to ensure the University maintains its values and clarity of mission as it evolves to meet future needs and opportunities. It has been a privilege to work and learn from them.
donors and volunteers who give so generously of their time, knowledge, skills, and resources in support of AKU’s activities, and the meaningful partnerships with diverse local and global collaborators which enhance our capacity.
The dedicated and talented
management, faculty and staff of AKU, who have inspired and supported thousands of students in the health sciences, teaching and school improvement, media and communications, and now in the arts and sciences.
I would also like to thank
our alumni, living around the world, who embody the Founding Chancellor’s aspiration for AKU graduates to be leaders and agents of change who will transform their professions, take on societal challenges, give excellent care to thousands of patients and uplift humanity.
My father firmly believed in the capacity of human innovation, reflection, and adaptation. He believed in our collective ability to overcome global challenges by building a framework to nurture vibrant communities which enable each individual to reach their full potential. He believed that humanity has the ingenuity to improve the future of our planet.
My father believed in hope.
As expressed by President Shahabuddin, and evident in the optimism that has permeated every single AKU convocation since 1989, hope is here today. I see it before me in our graduands: agents of change, empathetic leaders, innovators and critical thinkers.
You are an impressive cadre of professionals whose knowledge and skills the world so urgently requires.
You are women and men who can navigate the complexity of the global landscape: individuals well equipped to draw upon human ingenuity and foster a pluralistic approach to build a better future in which we all can thrive.
WE have full faith that you will spread hope as you step out into the world with confidence, curiosity and compassion, that you will honour and sustain the guiding principles of our Founding Chancellor.
Thank you.