Fursa kwa Watoto

Fursa kwa Watoto (translated as “Opportunities for Children” in Kiswahili) is a multi-agency project that seeks to improve the developmental and learning outcomes of pre-primary boys and girls in marginalized Tanzanian communities through the training of in-service educators. This includes 80 pre-primary teachers and paraprofessionals, 60 head teachers and 60 assistant head teachers. Additionally, 40 tutors selected from 5 teacher-training colleges (TTCs) will participate in a one-time course.
Fursa kwa Watoto focuses on two different service-delivery modalities: a) pre-primary class attached to an existing primary school, and b) satellite pre-primary classes in difficult and hard to reach areas. The main subject matters covered in the training relate to interactive pedagogy, access to developmentally appropriate didactic materials and promoting the active engagement of parents. This training is vital to supporting child readiness to primary education. Fursa kwa Watoto is aligned with key educational policies and strategies such as the Primary Education Development Plan IIII and the Tanzania Development Vision 2025: Big Results Now (BRN) initiative.
Project Outcomes
Improved learning outcomes for pre-primary-aged boys and girls in target areas;
Increased institutional capacity for early childhood development programming and cost-effective funding strategies and allocation, particularly by school districts and management committees;
Enhanced evidence on the impact of quality early childhood development interventions that can directly inform program and policy development within Tanzania and Africa at-large;
- Dubai Cares
- Hewlett Foundation
Tanzania: Mwanza and Kilimanjaro regions
USD 1.33 million
Implementing organizations
November 2013 - December 2017
Lead Faculty Contact
Fortidas Bakuza