Strengthening Education Systems East Africa

Strengthening Education Systems East Africa (SESEA) falls under a joint initiative between Global Affairs Canada and Aga Khan Foundation Canada (AKFC): the Partnership for Advancing Human Development in Africa and Asia (PADHAA). The CAD $100 million partnership ($75 million from DFATD and $25 million from AKFC) involves projects across various sectors, with SESEA acting as the key education-related intervention.
SESEA takes a three-pronged approach to enhancing and sustaining the learning outcomes of pre-primary and primary girls and boys in marginalized communities within Tanzania (Southern Tanzania), Uganda (Western Nile) and Kenya (Coastal Kenya) focusing on:
The professional development of pre-primary and primary educators by introducing new accredited programs, creating opportunities for uncertified teachers to obtain government recognition, facilitating practicum placements and providing graduate degree and certificate programs;
Strengthening education and support systems by building accountable leadership, management and technical capacity through the targeting of district and provincial education managers, head teachers, tutors, quality assurance officers, deputy head teachers of schools and principals of teacher training colleges. This component also includes support to community-based systems and local education institutions, and;
The promotion of learning and dialogue through the development of a regionally relevant, high-quality knowledge base on education policy and practice.
Over the life of the project, it is estimated that SESEA will reach 187,344 (of which 95,823 are women and girls) direct beneficiaries and 6,298 (3,055 women) intermediary beneficiaries in target areas in Kenya (67,336), Tanzania (69,515) and Uganda (50,493). This includes 9,180 pre-primary and primary educators and 3,150 other key members of the education support system
Project Outcomes:
Strengthened capacities of pre-primary and primary educators to deliver enhanced education services, including gender responsive pedagogy.
Enhanced support by community institutions to schools and educators;
Enhanced support by teacher support institutions to schools and educators, and;
Enhanced knowledge of teaching and learning interventions to inform and improve policy and practices in education, including gender equality.
Implementing organizations
Project Timeline
April 2012 - December 2017