FamMed Essentials​

This unique course offers busy physicians an opportunity to update their knowledge and skills in a flexible manner. ​

Course Content

  • Family Medicine key concepts: integration of continuous, comprehensive & coordinated care 

  • Evidence-based outpatient management of common problems

  • Population health, disease prevention and health promotion concepts​

Five Modules

  • Pediatric & Adolescent care

  • Reproductive & Genitourinary concerns

  • Non-Comm​unicable diseases

  • Population health concepts, Infectious diseases, and Care of special populations 

  • Beyond infections & NCDs (rheumatologic, musculoskeletal, neurologic and surgical issues) ​​

Modular Course Format

  • Dedicated course website 

  • Five (two-month) modules, each with: 

    • 15 Online topics - 2 per week​

    • 2 Zoom sessions for case-based discussions, 4 hrs. each

    • Presentations, additional resources (videos and reading material) 

  • Onli​ne Skills training 


  • Pre and post-tests for each module 

  • TOACS/CSA after Online skills training

  • Evaluation of impact on practice​​

Target audience

General physicians, Family physicians, Master-level nursing students