Only authorised registered users will be allowed to use the library.
All cell phones (mobiles) MUST be switched off or put on vibration mode before entering the library.
There should be peace and tranquillity within the premises, any breach of this can lead to disciplinary action taken by the librarian.
Handbags, files, folders, envelopes and any holders are not allowed in the library beyond the baggage area.
Smoking, drinking and eating are not allowed in the library.
All personal textbooks and those on loan to a user are not to be brought into the library.
Loss or damage to library material will be charged at twice the market price plus 10% administrative costs.
Overdue fines will continue to accumulate even after the loss of the book has been reported and the user will also pay the accrued overdue fines.
Attempted theft cases and damages to library materials will lead to disciplinary action.
Users must declare what they are carrying when entering and leaving the library.
Silence must be maintained in the library.
Library seats are not to be booked by users either for their own personal use or for friends.
Library materials are not to be re-shelved by the user.