Haile T. Debas Teachers' Academy ​Members

​The members of the Haile T. Debas Teachers' Academy are appointed after a rigorous application process. Click below to learn more about our Haile T. Debas Teachers' Academy Members and their profile.​

S No

Faculty Name 
Email ID
1Dr. Khairulnissa Ajani (Director, HTDTA)
QTL_net & School of Nursing & Midwifery, Pakistankhairulnissa.ajani@aku.edu
2Sadia Fatima (Chair, Membership)Biological & Biomedical Sciences, Medical College, Pakistan.sadia.fatima@aku.edu 
3Shanaz Cassum (Chair, SoTL)
School of Nursing & Midwifery, Pakistan

4Dr. Eunice S. PallangyoSchool of Nursing & Midwifery, Tanzania, East Africaeunice.siaity@aku.edu 
5Dr. Faisal Wasim Ismail
CIME & Medicine (Gastroenterology), Medical College, Pakistan faisal.ismail@aku.edu
6Dr. Kauser JabeenPathology and Laboratory Medicine, Medical College, Pakistankausar.jabeen@aku.edu
7Dr. Kulsoom GhiasBiological & Biomedical Sciences, Medical College. Pakistankulsoom.ghias@aku.edu 
8Dr Muhammad Irfan
Medicine (Pulmonology ), Medical College, Pakistanmuhammad.irfan@aku.edu
9Dr. Muhammad TariqMedicine (Internal Medicine) & Department of Education Development,  Medical College, Pakistanmuhammed.tariq@aku.edu
10Dr. Munira AmirAliInstitute for Educational Development, Pakistanmunira.amirali@aku.edu
11Dr. Sana SaeedPediatrics & Child Health & Department of Education Developmentsana.saeed@aku.edu 
12Dr. Satwat HashmiBiological & Biomedical Sciences, Medical College. Pakistansatwat.hashmi@aku.edu 
13Dr. Tasneem AnwarInstitute for Educational Development, Pakistan
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14Dr. Lena Jafri 
Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Medical College, Pakistanlena.jafri@aku.edu 
15Dr. Rehana Rehma
Biological & Biomedical Sciences, Medical College, Pakistan.rehana.rehman@aku.edu 
16Dr. Sadia Muzaffar BhuttaInstitute for Educational Development, Pakistansadia.bhutta@aku.edu
17Dr. Saleema GulzarSchool of Nursing & Midwifery, Pakistansaleema.gulzar@aku.edu
18Dr Saniya Sabzwari
Family Medicine, Medical College, Pakistansaniya.sabzwari@aku.edu
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19Dr. Ayesha Malik
Obstetrics and gynecology, Medical College, Pakistanayesha.malik@aku edu
20Mary Grace NakateSchool of Nursing & Midwifery, East Africagrace.nakate@aku.edu
21Qamar Riaz
Surgery & Department of Education Development
22Rafay Iqbal
Family Medicine, Medical College, Pakistanrafay.iqbal@aku.edu 
23Sadia MasoodMedicine (Dermatology), Medical College, Pakistansadia.masood@aku.edu
24Shazia Babar MatinDepartment of Education Development- & Obstetrics and gynecology, Medical College, Pakistanshazia.babar@aku.edu 
25Syed Ahsan Ali
Medicine (Internal Medicine), Medical College, Pakistansyed.ahsan@aku.edu
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26Amna Subhan ButtMedicine (Gastroenterology), Medical College, Pakistan amna.subhan@aku.edu
27Aysha Habib KhanPathology and Laboratory Medicine, Medical College, Pakistanaysha.habib@aku.edu
28Iffat KhanumMedicine (Infectious Diseases), Medical College, Pakistaniffat.khanum@aku.edu
29Rashna Hoshang SukhiaSurgery (Dental), Medical College, Pakistanrashna.aga@aku.edu​
30Shahan Waheed Emergency Medicine,  Medical College, Pakistanshahan.waheed@aku.edu
31Tashfeen AhmadSurgery (Orthopedic),  Medical College, Pakistantashfeen.ahmad@aku.edu
32Yasmin Nadeem Parpio
School of Nursing & Midwifery, Pakistanyasmin.parpio@aku.edu
33Dorothy Kamya
Department of Anesthesia, Medical College, East Africa (Kenya)dorothy.kamya@aku.edu
34Jane Rarieya​ 

Institute for Educational Development, East Africajane.rarieya@aku.edu
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​Dr. Mariam Noorani (SFHEA)
​Medical College, Tanzania
Dr. Meher Rizvi (FHEA)
​Institute for Educational Development, Pakistan
​Dr. Nosheen Nasir (FHEA)
​Medical College, Pakistan
​Dr. Syed Muratza Raza Kazmi (FHEA)
Medical College, Pakistan