​Online Teaching in Higher Education Programme​


Online Teaching in Higher Education (OTHE) programme supports educators in designing, developing, and facilitating blended online learning based on proven practices such as Inclusive Teaching, Universal Design for Learning (UDL), authentic assessment and active learning/facilitation techniques. OTHE aligns with various dimensions of the UK Professional Standards Framework (i.e., A1, A2, A3, A4, A5; K1, K2, K3, K4, K6 and V1, V2, V3, V4).

OTHE was first offered in 2021 to enhance AKU faculty’s online course design and teaching skills during the​​ global pandemic. After offering the program successfully for three years, in January 2023, AKU and Academics Without Borders (AWB) signed a letter of understanding to offer the OTHE courses collaboratively. Through this collaboration, AKU and AWB will adapt the OTHE Programme and extend its offerings to interested institutions in low and middle-income countries (LMICs) using AWB’s valuable network of experienced volunteers. This collaboration recognises the significance of AKU's online and blended learning strategy and content for various learning communities in developing nations.​​​​​​

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AWB is a Canadian nonprofit organization. Its mission is to help low and middle-income countries improve their higher education institutions so that they can train their experts and conduct research to assist in their countries' development. AWB's projects involve the full range of university activities, from expanding and improving existing institutions and programs to helping create new ones. AWB fulfils its mission through volunteers who collaborate on projects that originate in and are owned by developing world institutions. ​

What will you learn?

After completing all the courses in the programme, participants will be able to:

  • Describe the principles of online teaching within a higher education context;
  • Develop an online course plan to meet the needs of students and the programme;
  • Apply Inclusive Teaching and Universal Design for Learning principles in online courses;
  • Design assessments in online environments following the constructive alignment framework;
  • Facilitate online learning using a blend of asynchronous and synchronous pedagogies.​

Who is it for?

The programme is for educators, learning designers, educational technologists, faculty developers, and administrators who are interested in enhancing their knowledge and skills of online learning. 

How does it work? ​

  • Select and register for a course(s). Each course lasts four (4) weeks, focusing on a particular pedagogical element essential for online course design and teaching. Participants can select and enrol in any course based on their individual needs.

  • Commit 25 hours of time per course to read articles, watch videos, reflect on practice, engage in discussions, and submit assignments. The courses are offered in a bichronous format: 80% asynchronous (approx.) and 20% synchronous (online sessions once a week—1.5 hours).​

  • Receive a digital badge at the end of each course. The badges can be downloaded, exported, and added to faculty portfolios and micro-credential backpacks.  After completing one course and earning a badge, participants can enrol in another course at a convenient time.

  • Become an online teaching and learning practitioner. The programme will help educators improve their online teaching practices and develop the necessary competencies to incorporate an appropriate blend of asynchronous and synchronous pedagogies that adhere to quality standards.

  • Complete all four courses to complete the Online Teaching in Higher Education Programme.​

OTHE website.PNG 

Register for the course(s)

​Course Title

​Time commitment


Reconceptualising Online Teaching and Learning​ (ROTL)​
25 hours
17th February to 14th March, 2025
Inclusive Online Teaching​ (IOT)​
25 hours21st April to 16th May, 2025​
Assessment in Online Courses (AOC)
25 hours24th June to 18th July, 2025
Facilitating Online Courses​ (FOC)​
25 hours
22nd September to 17th October, 2025​

OTHE Programme Booklet​​

​ View and Download the OTHE-Programme Booklet- 2025.pdf​​


For additional information regarding the programme, contact:  bdlnet@aku.edu  ​