The AKU-wide Network of Quality, Teaching and Learning was set up by the Provost in 2013 with the aim of supporting​ excellence in our academic programmes to ensure a strong student learning experience that enables AKU graduates to meet their programme learning outcomes.

Across the world, faculty come to universities with their PhDs and content expertise, but often without any teaching qualifications and yet teaching students is a big part of their role. This is no different at AKU. Literature shows us that the way faculty members teach makes a difference in how much students learn. We also know that faculty require an enabling environment and support to promote an engaging learning experience for their students. QTL_net aims to offer a safe and inclusive space, where faculty can take advantage of a range of services, resources, and programmes on teaching excellence and scholarship of teaching and learning.

See our Calendar for January to June 2025​

A Tale of Teaching Transformation- A Tribute to Dr. Haile T.  Debas

Our Programmes​

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In conversation with Vice Provost Quality, Teaching & Learning - Prof. Tashmin Khamis
Dr Faisal Ismail talks to Dr. Tashmin Khamis about her decade of founding and leading the Network of Quality, Teaching and Learning (QTL_net) and the lessons in change management and leadership highs and challenges that came with it