Regular Services for Students

Out-Patient Management of Day-to-Day Problems

All students are entitled to outpatient care at the Community Health Centre (CHC) Monday to Saturday from 9:00 AM until 8:00 PM.

Procedure to be followed at the CHC​

  • When arriving at the CHC, students should register at the registration counter and wait for their turn to see the physician. Appointments are recommended, as this will reduce the waiting time.

  • Medical Record card is required to access out-patient care

  • After the consultation, all laboratory results​, pharmacy, radiology and referral slips must be countersigned by the Student Health Nurse in order to avail further services (such as treatments, medicines etc)

  • Attending physicians will try to prescribe medications available at AKUH. However, the cost for medications that may need to be purchased from outside can be reimbursed from the Student Health Fund. ​


Students can book an appointment to avail teleconsultation services with the Student Health Physician for management of their ongoing illnesses. All stamped laboratory and radiology slips and prescriptions will be sent to the student through email or WhatsApp.​​​​

Medicati​ons Policy​

  • Prescriptions will only be issued after students’ registration and evaluation by a Student Health Physician. 
  • Medications will be provided on prescription by the Student Health Physician or consultant if referred by the Student Health Physician. 
  • All prescriptions must be countersigned by the Student Health Physician/Nurse.
  • Medicines will be continued only if they are disease-based (justified by investigations and physical findings).
  • Prescriptions will not be refilled for vacations and electives, unless it is very necessary e.g. psychiatric medications, asthma medications, etc. ​​


After a consultation with the Student Health Ph​ysician, students are asked to get some investigations done. This may include blood tests, radiological investigations, cardiopulmonary investigations and others. An investigation in covered only if it is justified by students’ clinical history and examination. 

No screenin​​g tests are covered e.g. lipid profile, blood sugars, mammogram or pap smear, unless it is indicated after clinical evaluation.

Ref​erral to ​Cons​ulting Clinics ​​

Out-patient care at the consulting clinic will be provided strictly on a referral basis. 

Referrals will only be covered through Student Health Services if the student has obtained the referral slip from the Student Health Physician/Nurse in advance. Follow up referrals for a medical condition will be given for a period of up to 6 months, after which the student will be reassessed by the Student Health Physician. 

Students are strongly advised not to seek self-referrals. Not only would this require self-payment, but the Student Health Services would not be able to monitor their health status in case some problems need constant care. An exception is Student Psychiatric Service that can be accessed directly by the students.​

In-Patient Care​

Students who require hospitalisation will be entitled to admission in the general ward for a period of up to one month per year or Rs 200,000 whichever target is reached first. If the student is desirous of a semi-private or a private room (instead of the general ward as provided for by the Plan), the differential will be paid by the student.

The expense of in-patient care will be shared according to the following percentage: 85% of the cost will be borne by the Student Health Services and students will pay 15% of the admission bill. 

The University reserves the right to communicate to the student’s parents/guardians, the diagnoses (complicated/chronic/life-threatening), either medical or psychiatric or emergent, as they may deem necessary, without any reference to the student in question.​

Emerge​n​cy Care

All students will be entitled to assistance for medical emergencies, as per the procedures of the Emergency Room (ER).

In case of an emergency, the Student Health Services Plan will cover the following: 

  • Conditions that cannot be handled in ambulatory care e.g. road traffic accidents, suicidal patient, need of hospitalisation or any acute condition which requires urgent care
  • Urgent psychiatric care
  • Emergencies overnight and on holidays when Student Health Staff is not available

Visits to the ER for trivial conditions including but not limited to fever, URTI, vaccinations during CHC working hours will not be covered by the Student Health Plan.

After discharge, students will be required to contact the Student Health Physician for further management.

Ambulatory Care 

​All students are entitled to outpatient care at the Community Health Centre. IED students can also avail outpatient care at Karimabad Diagnostic Centre. ​