Call for Research Groups Awards

​​The call for research group awards nominations is now open. Group leads can send nominations for a short presentation to showcase their research impact. The deadline to submit a nomination is February 12, 2023. Share the research group title and presenter name with 

​The Presentation submission deadline is February 20, 2023. To upload your presentation, please click on the One Drive link below and follow the below instructions.​

Upload Presentation.​ 

1. Click the Upload button to add your files. 
2. Don’t close your browser window until the upload has been completed.

The research impact will be evaluated through the following criteria for the research award

  • Publications

  • Mentoring of junior faculty/students/staff 

  • Grants received with the amount.

  • Collaborations 

  • Invited talks 

  • Capacity building workshops/Courses/training 

  • Policy dialogue 

  • Research translation/uptake 

  • Time management 

Presentation guidelines: 
  • Time -7 mins
  • Q/A -3 min
  • Please name your file in the following format: Firstname_Surname (i.e. Asad_Yaqoob)