Teaching Squares Programme
The Network of Teaching and Learning is looking for
faculty volunteers who want to share and learn about teaching through the Teaching Squares Programme.
What is it?
Teaching Squares is a self-reflective process about teaching gained through observation and sharing with one’s peers. It is not peer evaluation but rather self-reflection on one’s teaching in a safe, mutually supportive environment. Participating faculty do not have to be new to teaching at the university; it is more enriching if it includes faculty with a wide range of teaching experience.
How does it work?
Faculty will be placed into a “Square” with three other members, preferably from different disciplines.
An initial meeting is held where participants meet to schedule classroom visits, establish expectations and discuss their goals for participating in the programme. They also commit to visiting the other members’ classes at least once. Each Square participant will visit one class of each member for one hour and in turn will be visited by the other square participants at different times.
After all visits have been completed, the entire Square will reconvene to discuss what they learnt about their own teaching and avoid direct commentary on their colleagues’ performance. No evaluation. No feedback. No record. Just the opportunity to reflect on your teaching in the company of interesting colleagues.
This is followed by a gathering of all Teaching Square participants who share their experiences and add to the learning.
Everyone who completes the Teaching Squares programme will receive a certificate that can be added to their teaching portfolio.
Teaching Squares celebrates teaching excellence, builds communities of practice, and aims to enhance teaching and learning by allowing you to work with your faculty peers to improve your teaching practice through a series of classroom observations and get-togethers. You get to know your colleagues, observe someone else’s classroom, reflect and improve on your own teaching, as well as enhance your teaching portfolio.
It only requires about 8-10 hours for the entire semester.
We invite faculty members from every discipline and all levels of experience to participate. However, participants must register for the programme (see Contact). The Network of Teaching and Learning will assist with coordinating classroom visits, but each group will determine its own schedule. The Network will provide tea and/or snacks if the square would like to meet over a meal for the initial and final conversations.
This faculty development programme is used at universities around the world. Visit the following links for more information:
For additional information or to participate in the Teaching Squares programme, contact:
Kiran Qasim Ali