The Aga Khan University is embarking on plans for significant enhancement of its capacity for high quality and relevance of research in health and social sciences to be recognized as a research-led university ​with international credibility. Explore this site to discover how AKU faculty, scientists, educationists and students are engaged in impacting people, communities and societies for a better tomorrow.​​​​​​

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Message from Dr. Salim S.​ Virani, Vice
Provost, Research
What will maintain our University’s global footprint for decades and centuries to come, is the creation and preservation of knowledge as clearly articulated by our Chancellor.


The Office of Research and Graduate Studies is the central coordination entity which supports the overall vision of the University to conduct research that contributes to the global body of knowledge and advances public policy in response to the real needs of communities and people in the developing world.​

Research Magazine 2023

Introducing AKU Research 2023, a milestone edition that celebrates our excellence in research.