Mental Health Care​


Student counsellors at AKU provide psychological support to students and medical trainees undergoing personal, social or academic challenges, or common mental health concerns including (but not limited to) adjustment issues, stress, anxiety, depression and substance abuse. Psychiatric care is also available for students facing more severe mental health problems.

Myths about Mental Healthcare (Counselling and Psychiatric Treatment)​

​Counselling and Psychotherapy

Counselling generally refers to short-term consultations​ on the patient's current issues while psychotherapy mostly denotes long-term treatment involving underlying issues like the impact of past behavioural or psychological patterns on the individual's present life.

If you have any further queries, please refer to​ these FAQs ​​

Book an appointment​ 

Confidentiality Statement

​​Psychiatric Services

To set up a psychiatric evaluation, students can be referred either by a student health physician or a student counsellor from the Student Counselling and Wellness office; or through a direct email to the student psychiatrist. 

Book an appointment