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​​​                              ​FamMed Ess​entials

​​​FamMed Essentials is a blended-learning, one-year certificate course, for physicians and nurses. It is endorsed by the World Health Organisation, WHO, as a "Regional Diploma in Family Medicine". Created by Family Medicine faculty, it provides an opportunity to busy physicians and postgraduate students to update their knowledge and skills in line with evidence-based care. It will also facilitate preparation for postgraduate examinations. 

Deadline: March 10, 2025​

Mandatory registration form: click here​

Mandatory needs assessment s​​urvery: Click here

Payment information: click h​ere


Hands-on Skills training at CIME

There is also hands-on skills training at CIME, focusing on clinical examination and procedural skills in pediatrics and adult domain. Active learning takes place via participation in cased-based scenarios related to screening, counselling and medical emergencies. These activities are facilitated by practice on models/mannequins and simulated patients.​​

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